Jade's Trick

Reviews, Spotlights, and Randomosity of all things under the sun.

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Sunday, March 06, 2005

"Ripoff!" -- Sock Baby

Props (and, [dare I say?] mad props) to VA_Ninja for alerting moi to this weeks item. Good news: it's completely free! You don't even have to look at pop-ups or banner adds (how, I don't know, so don't ask).

Sock Baby is a 3-part series of video clips you can download from the in-ter-net straight to your com-pu-ter. It's a net ~20 minutes of pure campy fun, and I highly suggest the download.

The plot is kinda stupid and rather incoherent, but that's kinda the point. As I said, this vid is very campy, but by choice. It's tongue-in-cheek all the way. Because the vid is so short, I won't bother detailing the plot, but it goes something like this: two guys want food. They fight some aliens. The End.

The fight scenes are the meat of this vids. Although Sock Baby is obviously low budget, the fights are done surprisingly well. There was perhaps one shot near the end of the third episode which had visible seams, but other than that, it is all pretty darn realistic. There's a certain '70s vibe in the fighting (probably because the main character is a '70s throwback) mixed with a little Dragon Ball Z (but not so much lame as funny) and a dash of pure weirdness.

Because it is so short, I can't think of anything else to say. Just go watch it for yourself.

Acting: 4/5 bad suits (If we assume that they were supposed to act the way they do, the actors did a darn fine job making me giggle).
Action: 4/5 black lipstick tubes (Surprisingly good. The fight scenes were well choreographed).
Humor: 4/5 garbage cans (Although there weren't a whole lot of jokes in the classical sense, this vid maintained a certain level of farcical ambiance throughout).
Story: 3/5 plasma pills (Suitably bizarre and incoherent, the story did its job fairly well, although it could probably been made a little more weird).
Sound: 4/5 oversized sunglasses (Interesting, memorable, and funny in its own way, the music performed extremely well. The punch effects were just a tad too repetitive for my tastes, but they didn't really detract from the vid).
Visuals: 3/5 home-made tarrot cards (The background sufficed. The video quality is a bit poor, but beggars can't be choosers. The short animation and computer-generated parts were very good).
Value: 5/5 ruined socks (What, are you kidding me? It's FREE).

Overall (not necessarily determined by the above categories): 4/5 gold medallions (It's definitely worth a download. Fun to watch, fun to share, and makes for some great injokes).


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10:06 AM  

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